Ravin Group comprises of companies managing diverse business interests in the power and energy sector. At Elecrama, Bangalore 2016, we crafted them a 10m x 20m. highly spacious stall with vibrant lighting and easy movement.
There were 4 large and 2 smaller, LED screens set up on the walls for playing their corporate videos. There were rotating product displays and a pantry area downstairs. The mezzanine area had discussion areas and spa area, with a pleasant ambience and cushioned furniture to give the look and feel of a spa. 2 walk-in staircases were provided for the mezzanine and a swanky bar was also set up.
There was a well lit and nicely designed #Twitter_wall created whereby 2 cameras were set up at angle where visitors could take selfies and could post them on social media. The furniture was simple yet elegant and was rightly complemented by the frontlit posters that depicted work details of the company. The stall was executed edge to edge to meet the company's expectations!
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